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True or False, was there ever a JAPANESE WHITE

14 years 11 months ago #24221 by henryox
True Or false, was there ever a Japanese White sold in Aust

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14 years 11 months ago #24222 by henryox
Have to say i am disappointed in all you White fans,

Yes, there was a Japanese White, it was a HINO imported and sold by White in the mid 70's or there abouts as it wore a Road Boss type grill with the WHITE name above it.
BUT, it wasn't the poxy Hino sold here, the cab was wider and it featured full air Scam brakes and 10 stud bud wheels, it was a big truck.
There was one parked in a yard behind the Holden dealer in Beewar Qld for quite a few years, when i finally got to look at it it had a 6V53 and MT650 sitting on the back, it was a lazy axle and had been a panteck until the top was cut off,
I said to myself someone has stuck the grill and name on it and i am not sure if it had a White plate on it, this was around 85, so i rang Duece's, got one of the Duece's, Yep, it is a White by Hino, apparently they bought in qiute a few but they didnt take off,

So there you go,

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14 years 11 months ago #24223 by
Henry you cant expect these WHITE onwers to be on the ball all the time . ;D ;D ;D

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14 years 11 months ago #24224 by
Gee fellas , I thought all Japanese trucks imported were WHITE , I got the impression according to guru Swishy that White was only found in a Dulux tin . On a more serious note I can,t recall ever knowing or seeing any info on such a beast , but , I suppose any thing is possible back in that period . It's a shock any way ? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

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  • Swishy
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14 years 11 months ago - 14 years 11 months ago #24225 by Swishy

Herez one th@ they couldn't find the tin of white paint
(jist Luv them Belloooon tyrez)

Here is a 1938 White truck model 991 tandem diesel made for Mitchubichi, Japan.

Ifn it aint White!..... tiz all right?
Ifn it aint Red!..... leave it in the shed!


Jist noticed
R we witnessin one of the very 1st tilt bonnets or tilt sideways bonnets




There's more WORTH in KENWORTH
Last edit: 14 years 11 months ago by Swishy.

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14 years 11 months ago - 14 years 11 months ago #24226 by Jake Brake
Hi Henryox, I don't confess to know everything about Whites and I only mention things that I have read in White Truck Manuals, parts books or from people that have worked for White from here in Australia, Canada & the USA. I've spoken to a few blokes that worked for White and they thought I lost my mind when I mentioned this to them!
The only thing that comes to my mind is the White 5000, as this was known and nicknamed in the US as the "Japanese White".
I've never seen one here in Australia, but have ridden in one in the US. To my knowledge no 5000s ever came to Australia, but maybe I'm wrong?
The White 5000 cabs were made from fibreglass and were constantly having problems with cracking.
The pic below is of a White 5062TDL

"50" means 5000 series,
the "6" means 6 wheels,
"2" means 2 wheels driving,
"T" stands for tractor,
"D" means diesel and
"L" means the front diff on this particular truck is a lazy axle.
Also this truck has the option of V-belt drives to drive the front lazy axle.
It belongs to a friend from California, Mike Colton.
Does this truck look like the truck you saw Henryox?
Has anyone else ever seen or heard about this so-called Japanese White that Henryox is talking about? :-/
Does anyone have a pic of this so-called Japanese White? :-/
Does anyone know where this so-called Japanese White is now? :-/
I'd love to be proven wrong. But until I see a photo I'm a bit skeptical.
Cheers Ray

White the greatest name in trucks.
Last edit: 14 years 11 months ago by Jake Brake.

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  • Swishy
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14 years 11 months ago #24227 by Swishy

Gr8 info
Keep ert cummin

RE: Model deignation

There4: WC White = Water Closet dun in dulux white





There's more WORTH in KENWORTH

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14 years 11 months ago #24228 by Jake Brake
What ever you reckon Swishy!!!!!!!

White the greatest name in trucks.

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14 years 11 months ago - 14 years 11 months ago #24229 by werkhorse
Never heard of the 5000 series being called the Japanese white..........But I've heard alot of yank's call the 7000 series the Japanese Freightliner

The 7000 series was the square cab design before the Road Commanders came out. Only difference between the 7000 and the RC1 was a redesigned front.

You might Laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same
Last edit: 14 years 11 months ago by werkhorse.

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14 years 11 months ago #24230 by henryox
Dave, this is true, that is why didnt let em suffer to long, now that it is mentioned i think the buggar was white

I drove past it for a couple of years , always in a hurry, had a time shedule , figured some one had stuck the grill on it as a poser


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