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rear cab locators

4 years 8 months ago #208619 by John Whale
rear cab locators was created by John Whale
Hello all the rear cab locators on my ud are flogged out they are a metal bracket with rubber bonded to them with a locater hole where could i get them rebonded? cheers thanks whale

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4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #208624 by Blackduck59
Replied by Blackduck59 on topic rear cab locators
I Perth I would say Poly Rubber, for other States I guess there would be similar business's. Think you could do it yourself, there was a thread or two on re-bushing or refurbishing items on here sometime ago. This is what you need to look for, poly Urethane Manufactures. IE;

Cheers Steve
Last edit: 4 years 8 months ago by Blackduck59.
The following user(s) said Thank You: cobbadog

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4 years 8 months ago #208627 by Morris
Replied by Morris on topic rear cab locators
Bearing suppliers and others sell polyurethane rods in various diameters for you to turn it down in a lathe to make bushes. Hot rod supply shops sell pre-made poly bushes to replace hard-to-get bushes. I have plenty of 40mm diameter I will sell for about a third of shop prices. (the only size I have is 40mm. It is white)

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4 years 8 months ago #208629 by Swishy
Replied by Swishy on topic rear cab locators
If all else fails

Normally different color poly represents different strength ( aka Shore hardness) etc

go grab a rubber /polly bush with the internal hole diameter of the sprigit locator
grab sum steel pipe/tube th@ the bush will fit firmly in
weld or bolt the steel in place and cut the polly bush longer / protuding up to absorb the cab loading

= Dun
u're welcum



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4 years 8 months ago #208649 by cobbadog
Replied by cobbadog on topic rear cab locators
When I was doing forklift tyres part of that bussiness was bonding polyurethane onto cast wheels for the pallet trucks. So any place that pours polyurethane can bond your parts together or cast new ones from poly and as mentioned in the correct Shaw A hardness. Normal tread rubber is 68 - 72 Shaw A hardness then they make other grades that are soft 50 - 55, up to something as hard as nylon 95 - 98 which has no give in it at all.
If you have a lathe poly is a dream to machine. Some boat trailer rollers are made from poly now and that also might be an option to machine to fit. Boat trailer parts might too hard for your application but you can test it by pushing your thumb nail into the rubber then try it on the poly. the rubber will have some give and the right grade poly should be matched to that.

Cheers Cobba & Cobbarette
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