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Sylvia's Gap road run, June long Weekend 2015.

9 years 10 months ago #156671 by Dave_64
Thanks for the info on little Sydney harbour, and the link to some great photos! Sylvias Gap, old Gundagai bridge.

Now all we need are a few memories of the old roadhouse at the Ladysmith turnoff and hopefully a few photos of the "Tarcutta Rough" when the big floods hit. Anyone remember the year? The trains were still running, I think the last big floods of '74 may have done them in forever! The rail cuttings and bridges ended up down river.

Dave 64

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9 years 10 months ago #156672 by hayseed

Seed after you have driven thru the gap will there anything after that or do we just headed for home ??. Dave

Dave, According to their Website..

And their facebook page..

Their will be morning tea served at the conclusion of the road Run..
So I'm assuming once Morning tea's finsihed the run is finished..

"Be who you are and say what you feel...
Because those that matter...
don't mind...
And those that mind....
don't matter." -

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9 years 10 months ago #156673 by
I'm little confused are there two heritage centre's now on the Hume Hwy or is it all one that is at Targutta maybe some one can explain whats the go. Dave :-? :-?

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9 years 10 months ago - 9 years 10 months ago #156674 by The Shadow

It is best if you read the website or facebook page, it tells a bit about it.

On there website under the heading of "Attention All Friends of A.R.T.H.C."

I stated this as it does not get removed for hcvc forum rules.

The more older trucks on the road&&The more memorizes of how things use to be.&&[url
Last edit: 9 years 10 months ago by The Shadow.

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9 years 10 months ago #156675 by The Shadow
In regards to "Little Sydney Harbour Bridge"

There is some talk that MAY BE (But that is a very BIG "may be") next year, ARTHC might add it to the Road Run.

But we can only see.

The more older trucks on the road&&The more memorizes of how things use to be.&&[url

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9 years 10 months ago - 9 years 10 months ago #156676 by
I was thinking of coming up for the run but will there be anything else happening after the run and cup of tea as it seems a long way to come just to drive 20 k's over Sylvia's Gap. Dave

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9 years 10 months ago #156677 by hayseed
Dave, Why don't you go to the dinner the night before ??

"Be who you are and say what you feel...
Because those that matter...
don't mind...
And those that mind....
don't matter." -

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9 years 10 months ago #156678 by
Yes thats on the cards but what about the Sunday drive.

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9 years 9 months ago #156679 by Speedy
We're organizing a Saturday afternoon drive from Albury to Gundagai for those wishing to travel up as a group. Details should be in the upcoming monitor under the OMG section

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9 years 9 months ago #156680 by
this is the last long weekend for a few months I would like to know whats happening on the Sunday arvo as we have Monday to get home ???. Dave

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