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Tiz a bit quiet of late

8 months 1 week ago #252132 by PDU
Replied by PDU on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late
Some of us would be lost without them. 

Remote locations result in little contact with others and support is a valuable factor.

PS   My B for post will be addressed in a few minutes to make up for a lengthy stagnant period . . .

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8 months 1 week ago #252144 by Mrsmackpaul
Replied by Mrsmackpaul on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late
I didn't get my message across very well, ah the wtitten word

I think Google uses a algorithm to find pages to search, this doesn't appear to happen anymore

Does the forum engine or what ever it is called allow for this to happen?

Or am speaking out my bum ?

I found this forum well over a decade ago by searching for Federal truck information

I assume everyone else found the forum the same way, searching on Google for something and came across the forum and thougt to them selves, these jokers are okay and joined up and found out weren't to bad after all

Some people lob and just have a few questions and then are never seen or heard from again, others hang about for decades

So my long winded point is, given the natural turn over members, are we attracting new ones

If when Joe Bloggs does a search and the HCVC no longer comes up, Joe Bloggs will never ask the question and never share the wisdom and slowly the ranks get thinner of people contributing

Anyways, Im just thinking out allowed

Rambellings of a silly old fool

And very valid points of people that have replied, thank you


Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging
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8 months 1 week ago #252149 by mammoth
Replied by mammoth on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late
I recently tried googling and I got nothing but hcvc forum - all roads lead to Rome
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8 months 1 week ago #252150 by Gryphon
Replied by Gryphon on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late

I didn't get my message across very well, ah the wtitten word

I think Google uses a algorithm to find pages to search, this doesn't appear to happen anymore

And very valid points of people that have replied, thank you


since your original post I have been looking at whether there is a technical issue with the pages being indexed by Google or not and I am still waiting on some more stats from Google to see whether what you perceive about less appearance of the Forum on truck related searches shows up in those stats. At times I would do other searches unrelated to trucks and still see HCVC Forum posts in the results but now perhaps not as often so I would somewhat agree with you, even searching on vintage truck doesn't show up in the first 30 seconds of scrolling.

The stats from Google might help identify if it is a technical issue with the new build of the website and forum that may give us some options to fix and improve things. It could be a general decline in the number of posts being made each day which would count as original content vs the pasting of text(not so much these days) and images from other websites, or other reasons, that is causing us to get penalised. The third option is Google itself has always kept it search algorithms close to its chest and is always tweaking them to supposedly keep things organic but these days they are heading towards AI results so the traditional way of using Google to find a website is going to get harder and harder for sites like this to be found so it may be out of our control altogether.

If things are out of our hands in terms of appearing on Google results there other quality search engines growing in use that could be used as an alternative but they are still a fraction of Google's traffic and thus not going solve the issue you see about being found and there are other ways to consume and use the internet that would provide a better experience I think but that requires a bit of history lesson and I can't seem to find my soapbox to stand on at the moment. :) 

I will let you know what I find.


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8 months 1 week ago #252151 by jon_d
Replied by jon_d on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late
I'm on a few motorhome and caravan forums.

My favorite motorhome forum which was the best 15 years ago is basically dead. Lucky to get a post every month.  Another, the CMCA club's forum is very very quiet. Maybe 1-3 topics  a week with only 1-3 follow up posts.  Their facebook page is a little active. I don't use Facebook.

I've noticed the caravan forum getting quieter.  A newbie will pop in ask a question and go.   There are a dedicated core who maintain the conversation but as they age, who keeps it going? But, if you look carefully, the trend is the same. Getting a little quieter.  Cobba, you may have noticed it.

Other forums are just a group of 10 or so keeping in touch. A What's App chat room would suffice.

Actually, I think this is one of the most active right now.  The challenge for any forum is how to catch and hold new members. Seems they may lurk but not participate. But the thing is; the  variety with in that on going participation is what grows a forum.

My favorite forum I mentioned, we would have these conversations semi regularly. People would just say, I visit every day but have nothing to say.  Well, geez, that's going to keep a forum healthy... not.  And even then, nobody makes an effort. Crickets.

I think members of these forums have lost some sort of confidence to participate. Even just to throw in a one liner to keep the activity happening.
A single line can spark a week of posts and then more come after that.
The following user(s) said Thank You: cobbadog, Mrsmackpaul, Zuffen

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8 months 1 week ago #252153 by JOHN.K.
Replied by JOHN.K. on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late
Face book has cut into the technical forums .........I was on a couple of vintage bike forums ..........same questions from new people who only stay five minutes ........most want an easy way out from expensive repairs ,

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8 months 1 week ago - 8 months 1 week ago #252160 by 77louie400
Replied by 77louie400 on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late
Forum's like this have been left behind by the likes of Face book, Google will direct you to where there is a dollar to be made, where you want go is not on their list unless there is a return for them, Ai started when they were smart enough to roll rocks down hills (the rock decided where to go depending on its shape) and has got us to where we are today, which is if you don't eat you don't shit and if you don't shit you die, same as it was 50,000 years, and the people running the joint are the one's that are to lazy to do any real work the same as it was 50,000 years ago.
Last edit: 8 months 1 week ago by 77louie400.
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8 months 1 week ago - 8 months 1 week ago #252161 by grumpy gumpy
I joined here after I’d been searching for  TJ Bedford info, I had searched for ages,  but the forum didn’t show on any of my searches, in fact very little actual  TJ Bedford stuff did ( unless you speak Spanish??) and then when I did find the forum it was a chance hit on a grain lifter posted by someone on another forum that led me here. The wife has done web design stuff and she used to complain bitterly about the google search algorithms and how they are skewed to sites with multiple visits which can be done with certain computer programs. I post very little, but I think I’ve read every post on here.
Last edit: 8 months 1 week ago by Gryphon.

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8 months 1 week ago #252165 by grumpy gumpy
Why did my post change font?
Or is it just on my iPad?

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8 months 1 week ago #252168 by cobbadog
Replied by cobbadog on topic Tiz a bit quiet of late
Although faceache is more active, it's full of aggression at times n a small handful of regulars will try to shoot you down on the smallest of issues. I know of a few people who now only read it n not contribute because of it. I'm too stubborn to let that piss me off.
However that sort of behaviour does not happen here n is always full of help n good advise

Cheers Cobba & Cobbarette
Coopernook, The Centre of our Universe
Working on more play time.
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