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tv shows on trucks from the 70's

13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #60342 by Andy Wright
Look out for Moonfire on the el cheapo (almost we'll pay you to take it) DVD stands. My copy, from the father-in-law, has a modern Volvo and a Swastika on the cover. Not something to get you going, that's for sure. LOL.

However, it is a 70s film and features a couple of truckies and some secret space mission story which is a load of absolute crap. I can't remember the second truck but the main character drives a metallic blue R700 and it is definitely worth the abysmal acting, plot and script just to see this truck at speed on the highway.

Maybe it was made to ride on the coat-tails of Convoy to some extent. Put up with the crap to see the R700.

Andy&&&&Whatever rubs your buddah.&&&&Got Bedfords? http://bedfordtr
Last edit: 13 years 3 months ago by Andy Wright.

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13 years 3 months ago #60343 by
g'day all there was a very obscure australian film from the mid '80's titled ''slate, wynn and me'' with martin sacks and sigrid thorton of all people. i actually loved the film... real sixties australiana setting and what happens part way through the film? old aussie cabover peterbilt with a screaming 871 fair up the clacka of an S series valiant!!.. in a scene reminiscant of duel. not a lot of film time but....pure gold!


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13 years 2 months ago #60344 by ducky698
Hi, Convoy is the one. I even built a replica of it. and also Black Dog, thats a good movie to.


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13 years 2 months ago #60345 by grumpy
Yeah...Black Dog with Patrick Swayze, Meatloaf and Randy Travis......awesome truck stunts but not much of a story-line.

Some of the old shows on ABC...forget the name of it......may have been 36 Wheels...about Buntines drivers, and one hosted by Ray Martin or Peter Luck about Toots.

Then there was a doco on women truckies....featured the late Eddie Hollands' lady.

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13 years 2 months ago #60346 by bigcam
The story the ABC did on Buntines is on a DVD with Western Transport footage as well that you can get from the Transport Museum at Gatton.

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13 years 2 months ago #60347 by Debo
Thanks for the info re ABC Buntines and western transport DVD, will have to get me a copy of that. I remember (just) an Aussie show that had an N series Volvo called Maggie D, can't remember if the show was any good but that was one flash Volvo for the time.

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  • Swishy
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13 years 2 months ago #60348 by Swishy

Gudday M8

RE: Maggie D

Tuched on the subject way back when




There's more WORTH in KENWORTH

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13 years 2 months ago #60349 by

Thanks for the info re ABC Buntines and western transport DVD, will have to get me a copy of that. I remember (just) an Aussie show that had an N series Volvo called Maggie D, can't remember if the show was any good but that was one flash Volvo for the time.

Yep and we're all tryin' to get a copy of that series..
" The truckies ".
It's not lookin' good that it will happen but ya never know.
Remember watchin' it as a kid with the old man mutterin'
" bullsh*t " constantly but still likin' it.
Pity they killed a '90 in the first episode....

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13 years 1 month ago #60350 by Philphy
HI all
Reading through this post reminded me of a Black Truck that I used to see alot up and down the Hume Named "Resurrection". It took me years to figure it out but finally realised the name was in regards to the one in "Convoy" Maybe im wrong can anyone else remember the truck and am I right?

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