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A was for Austin, but now B is for Bedford

6 months 2 weeks ago #252540 by cobbadog
Enjoy your break in Adelaide  but most of all enjoy your birthday.  Happy 75th young fella.

Cheers Cobba & Cobbarette
Coopernook, The Centre of our Universe
Working on more play time.
The following user(s) said Thank You: 180wannabe, PDU, oliver1950

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252568 by husky
Happy birthday PDU have a rest and a great day ,shes looking well, not long now till we see video of her out on the road .take care ,, great job ..Husky
The following user(s) said Thank You: cobbadog, PDU

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252591 by PDU
Salutations and thanks fellas . . .  . . . back to the grind tomorrow. 

I don't even know if I can still get B for out of the shed yet!? I might have to move my 8-ball table over further to one side to accommodate a tight turn out of the shed, and then may have to take down a carport post (and prop up the unsupported section) to get B for around another tight bend onto the driveway. Also need to clear the way by moving our caravan, trailer, and a load of apricot branches from two trees that I pruned/decimated last week! 

Hopefully then it can go back into what was the caravan shed for dry storage (provided my patching of holes above has been successful) giving straight access to the road. Hmm? Load of crap that needs to be moved in that shed too, so it will fit . . .   

Yeah, all that can wait until next week, or the week after, as there are plenty of things to address so they don't drop off when it moves! If you could see how much needs to be done you'd understand why I keep saying IF it is ready to go for the run to Port Broughton. 
The following user(s) said Thank You: 180wannabe, Normanby, PaulFH, husky, wee-allis, oliver1950

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252593 by Morris
How did you get it in there? Was the carport post not there? I seem to recall reading about you building/rebuilding/extending your carport.
I can understand all the other stuff accumulating over time but as I keep telling my mate when he complains about having to move everything countless times that a little thinking ahead would save a lot of work in the future. For example, on Monday when he picked up a forklift load of half-rotten fence panels and was looking around for a place to put it where the forklift would not get bogged, said that we should put it on the bonfire one day. I said why don't we do it now and get it out of the way for good? He agreed that it was a good idea, so we put it on the ute and he drove across the mud and grass to the bonfire pile and we slid it all onto the pile.
Job done,
Place to build up with crushed rock cleared.

Now, about those apricot tree branches......

I have my shoulder to the wheel,
my nose to the grindstone,
I've put my best foot forward,
I've put my back into it,
I'm gritting my teeth,

Now I find I can't do any work in this position!
The following user(s) said Thank You: cobbadog

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252594 by PDU
How did i get it in there?  With difficulty Morris. It came out once before by putting a jack under the diff and sliding it sideways (also with difficulty) when I was in the early frame stage; drove it back in using the 5 metre width of the garage to smooth out the curve somewhat. Since then I have put in a division into the rear of the shed where the truck now sits, which allows me to come straight out, past the 8-ball table on the right and then into my first 90 degree bend to the left which is barely 4 metres wide and after about two truck lengths the second right turn onto the driveway. When I put the carport in three posts are well cemented in but the awkward one on the corner was cunningly bolted to the ground in the event I have to remove it to extract the truck (you see I do think ahead). 

I am confident I will get it out, but as this is generally done without any assistance it involves much in and out of the cab to check clearances. All in all anxiety limits increased, but I will get it out,

PS Once out it will never go back in there again. 

As to awareness of where things are stored, other than the sheds and driveway this is all on a house block, a decent size block maybe - but limited. Add in too many projects over the years, and much "might be useful later" stuff (which I have been culling gradually, including three Triumphs that I have moved on at ridiculously low prices) things are in hand, sort of!? 

Finally in the words of Joan Baez . . . 
The following user(s) said Thank You: 180wannabe, cobbadog, PaulFH, oliver1950

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252595 by Lang
Best voice ever, worst politics ever.

I am sure the sentiment will get you through PDU.

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6 months 2 weeks ago - 6 months 2 weeks ago #252599 by PDU
Thanks again Lang; and Morris I took note of your comment and made a start on clearing up the tree remains.

Two and a half hours later I've managed to break up half of what was there, after which I had to stop (fatigue and hunger). Of course it wasn't only your comment, it was partially my conscience and a need to actually do some work to lower my blood pressure. Yesterday was a lazy day recovering from the long (for me) weekend and all I got was very high blood pressure and sugar level readings when I checked them - ten minutes ago I had an "optimal" reading thanks to the sweated labour. 

In the above picture, apart from the foreman looking on, is turn number one out of my main garage/shed, past the tree renmants and leading on to turn number two where the caravan is sitting.

The shed directly behind where the caravan is sitting is where B for will be going for me to make the last checks ready for its trial run. Not through the roller door (that's where the spare D Type Bedford is sitting) but in the section that looks like wall, but in reality is a pair of full height swing doors. 

That should make it a little clearer about my space constraints.  
Last edit: 6 months 2 weeks ago by PDU.
The following user(s) said Thank You: 180wannabe, cobbadog, Mrsmackpaul, PaulFH, Southbound, wee-allis, HalfaDodgeTruckMan

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252608 by Mrsmackpaul
Sounds like all is well in hand, and forward planning isn't always as simple as it sounds in my experience

Apricot tree, just get rid of it as they taste horrible yuck yuck

A pretty impressive build you have done PDU


Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging
The following user(s) said Thank You: cobbadog, PDU

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252617 by Morris
Sorry, I did not mean to be too critical of your efforts but I was letting off a bit of steam about my mate who does not ever think ahead.  That load of fencing had been brought five kilometres from his house on the ute we eventually used to take it to the fire pile and had been moved twice by forklift, with me having to poke timbers under it the first time so that he could get the forks under far enough to lift it. To me, it would have made more sense to have taken it straight to the fire pile when it first arrived.

If the trees in your picture are the apricot trees, I agree that it would make sense to cut them off at ground level and plant a new one and keep it pruned so that you could actually reach the fruit.  I disagree with MrsMackPaul about the taste of them but you have to let them get absolutely ripe and soft and full of juice. You have to pick them earlier than that or the birds will beat you to them.

I have my shoulder to the wheel,
my nose to the grindstone,
I've put my best foot forward,
I've put my back into it,
I'm gritting my teeth,

Now I find I can't do any work in this position!
The following user(s) said Thank You: PDU

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6 months 2 weeks ago #252618 by wouldyou
Morris’s apricot comment is a bit like the perfect toast recipe. Toast until it starts to burn then three second less.
The following user(s) said Thank You: asw120, V8Ian, wee-allis, PDU

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