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Wanted - 4x4 Truck - Open to Options

11 years 5 months ago #124898 by tweak
Hi guys and gals,

I'm chasing a selectable 4x4 truck, preferably pre 70's and or ex-military.

I have been searching for a suitable Bedford RL or MK for quite some time without too much luck, one came close but appeared at the wrong time!

The truck will be converted into a house on wheels and must not have too much rust (am a capable fabricator, however time is more an issue), not too concerned whether it is diesel, petrol or multi fuel. Flatbed's preferred but will consider anything. Preferably also something with enough engine bay space to later perform an engine transplant to one more efficient.

Willing to spend up to $5000 for the right truck, and also willing to travel. Prefer to be already running and able to either drive home or onto trailer. I am located in Byron Bay, but am willing to travel and often do between Melbourne and Byron, and further North towards Maleny QLD.

If you have anything or know of one sitting around, please let me know!


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11 years 5 months ago #124899 by Lang

Looks like you want a bit of a project.

Appears you have the grey nomad (offroad) in mind. The ex military trucks, Inters etc and Bedford RL's are a pain in the a.. to climb in and out of if you are over 50. They are also slow, noisy, ponderous and handle pretty average with a crook riding comfort.

Maybe look at the 70/80 era Japanese trucks which are light years ahead of those mentioned above for a camper and extended holiday use. They also have good reliable diesel engines with parts available everywhere.

There are some Mercedes of that era, not the Unimog but the 1418 shape cab ones, which might be pretty good. They are advertised from time to time particularly in WA. Still more ponderous than the Japanese trucks.


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11 years 5 months ago #124900 by Eddy

Be it firearms or V8 engines, the question is not "why should you have them?"
, but "who are you to demand that I justify them?"

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11 years 5 months ago #124901 by tweak
G'day Lang, yep definitely after a project. Never mind the height and difficulty of an old girl though, still a youngin' at half that number you mentioned. I could possibly be persuaded to newer trucks, but aesthetically I am after a particular look and feel..

Cheers Eddy, need something a little bigger though!

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11 years 5 months ago #124902 by JBran
The old army Accos or other 4x4 Butterbox Accos I have seen used a bit for the sort of thing you are wanting. I noticed you posted in the 4x4 Acco Topic in this thread, so that is probably quite appropriate!! :)

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11 years 5 months ago #124903 by one2many
Google search Volvo tgb1314 ambulance these are ex Swedish military if at all interested I will have 1 or 2 available in approx 8 weeks also I have complete running d1610 4x4 LWB 345 straight gas about 500 Lt LPG in 2 huge tanks single cab with sleeper box and tray cab rusty ex gov aust post i think . Truck is absloutely complete atm but is advertised on forum and will be selling first pieces this saturday that willl do I think my details are on the truck ad.

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11 years 5 months ago #124904 by Brad_RTI
If your chasing an old Bedford 4x4 Tweak, I still have the old one I had advertised a few months back. the bloke who came and looked and said he wanted it has vanished (with my tape measure and shifter he borrowed too....) and as much as it was destined to be chopped up with the shears, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Just search" Bedford 4x4 truck for sale "on here and you should see the few photos I have. I would knock a couple of hundred off for you to help with the transport if your interested otherwise I am going to have to rebuild the bloody thing myself !! let us know what you think.. cheers bud

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11 years 5 months ago #124905 by Trentie
Hey Tweak,
As far as speed and reliability goes, I just finished bolting a 40 series landcruiser and four speed into my blitz. I'm going to bolt a five speed up in the near future, so she should happily sit on the ton. Up hills is a completely different kettle of fish however.
If you're after something ex military and horrendously capable for its age and size and don't mind a touch of discomfort, a blitz is definitely the way to go. I drive my old girl everywhere. :D
There are also quite a few around for sale. There was a relatively good one for sale recently in Black Duck Valley fitted with an Isuzu diesel that sold for three grand.

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11 years 5 months ago #124906 by Old AB
Bedford 4X4 X FIRE TRUCK,, 27000 km Genuine ks.. good clean truck .. call john 0418 132773.. might be worth a try mate.

Keep old inters alive.

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11 years 4 months ago #124907 by Coupeute
I went to Aust Machinery wholesalers in Geelong a week or so ago. They have a heap of Benz 911's just come in. All ex army. A 4x4 Bedford fire truck, A 510 Acco 4x4, A few jappo 4x4's & a Acco fire truck.

AL110 inter ute &&FC Holden Wagon&&HJ Holden 1 Tonner&&

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