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Found Em (old R200 pics-picken up toys)

15 years 7 months ago #10319 by melonreo
i finaly stumbled onto the photos i had of an old R200, that my boss used to own back when i was 22 years old (1989)we used to cart grain with her at harvest time.
when it wasnt doing that or carting drinking water ,i would use it to pick up old tractors all over the place

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  • Swishy
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  • If U don't like my Driving .... well then get off the footpath ...... LOL
15 years 7 months ago #10320 by Swishy


Gr8 Pix
Keep M Cummin

Spose way back then U were king of the Rd with twin snorkels intakes, West coast mirrors n a pair of step tanks

Nowa daze U'd need 500+ HP with duel AC with electric windows n the Auto shift transmiision with the 30 channel CD player


My how times have changed

Have U still got the collection of toys?
Or did China put in a bid 4 m





There's more WORTH in KENWORTH

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15 years 7 months ago #10321 by melonreo
swish , i built them snorkels all by myself- back when i fitted the 6V53 into her in about 1993.

when we purchased the old girl she had a 4cyl UD with the original 5 speed box in here. we played with that for a couple of years.
i was cruiseing along early one morning (out at the crack of dawn- delivering drinking water to a farmer,before i started my days work in the local garage ) (the sound of t@ 2-stroke singing her sweet song at that time of the morning could be heard for miles :D 8-) ) when i started to think she didnt sound ok(hard to hear anthing inside that cab)she started to labour rather hard, my instinks had me lookin, listening and smelling real quick like-- oh shit this is not good,, i slowed her down - looked for a place to get off the road a bit.. pulled her up put my foot on the clutch and little did i know at that point that was the last revolution that little UD was ever going to rotate.. :'(
we towed her home and pulled the head off and she had lots of small cracks all over the placeand 1 real big rusty crack that had been there a long time which explained the constant usage of water,it had finally opened up getting rid of all the water very quickly..
My boss had said that he did a run in her last night and that she had been running hot, he had also had a fair bit of Amber fluid while out on his midnight run :o,so we do not know how hot she got and for how long as he just kept drivin her home. :'(
so out came the UD and i fitted a V210 cummins, :-/this was the bosses idea,he had found a good deal on a motor and box, :-? i wanted to put a GM in there :'( it was a good fit ,quite a small moter to look at down in the engine bay. at this time i also fitted 610 road ranger as well. it all went in well and the end result had the gear lever sticking up through the floor just level with the front of the seats.
this baby used to rev pretty hard and it had a single 4 inch single pipe without much restriction ::) ::), so driving her by the noise just encourage me to drive her harder :)lot of people thought she had a screamer in her :-*

well you guessed it , that donk finally died didnt it :-/
poor old coominns couldn,t hack it ;D ;D..
i finally got my way and in went the little jimmy :-*

it was out the back of the workshop , i was working on something this bloke had come along he asked what were we doing to the old truck, i said i was putting another donk in her
he said- didnt you just put one in there
i said -- yes thats right
he said -- what are you going to put in there
i said -- we is puttin a GM in her
he said --i thought it already had one in there :)
i said - no that was only a cummins :-/

the cummins was longer than the GM , but i decided that i realy liked the position of the gear lever so i opted to leave the box sitting right were it was located and bring the engine back to match up to it...
i had to alter the front cab mounts a lot.
this is when the golden olden had flashed through my life , with its cab and etc lifted up 12 inches or more ..
because the very large step tanks on the old girl had an odd shaped top that fitted in behind the bottom of the doors, i decided that i would lift the cab up a couple of inches, as the top of the tank would help stop from being able to see the chassis. because the engine was up close to the fire wall i had to cut into the floor to allow the air compressor to fit i then had to manufacture a cover for it.
there was no way the exhaust were going to be able to exit out the rear so i turnded them around and run the pipestowards the front and down then out the back. i also moved the radiator back to suit and built a nice big header tank for it as well.
so i finally got my GM that i originally wanted, she was a pleasure to drive and always a croud pleaser.

by the time i was 27 the calling of more HP and lots more wheels i found myself out on the interstate in big LTL..

my old boss sold the R200 a couple of years later( he later admitted that i was in love withit more than him back then) i am sure it is still kicking around some were in the Albury area. by old boss now says he wishes he still had her :'( :'(

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15 years 7 months ago #10322 by Andy Wright
Great pics, Pat.

Shut the bloody door! ;D

Andy&&&&Whatever rubs your buddah.&&&&Got Bedfords? http://bedfordtr

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15 years 7 months ago #10323 by Dodgeanddetroit
A great story too Pat as well as the pics
Regards Kevin

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15 years 7 months ago #10324 by monty
Fantastic Picks pat.

Just like a lot of old blokes that have had an old girl like that and wish they had hung on too.

-Monty ;)

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12 years 5 months ago #10325 by melonreo
just wondering if anybody has seen this ole girl in their travels :'( :'( :'( :'(

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12 years 5 months ago #10326 by gorby
nice jigger,
bloody farmers machinery ramps, you either cant get a semi into them or they are made so there is no straight run up onto them :)

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12 years 5 months ago #10327 by mammoth
Look at the tracks - Pat has jack knifed onto the ramp in one hit. My cattle ramp is good for sorting the real drivers out as they do it almost in one and the rest do it in 21.

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11 years 11 months ago #10328 by melonreo
well LOOK what i have found :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :'( :'( :-* :-* :-* :-*

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