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a 'Barn find' JailBar Ford

17 years 4 months ago #555 by bparo
Last weekend one of my vintage machinery clubs (the Eltham Steam and Stationary Engine Preservation Society) had a display at the Hurstbridge Wattle Festival in Saunder's Workshop. While looking around (with permission) I looked inside the original workshop and there was this Jail Bar Ford that has been with the company since it opened in 1957. When the new workshop opened the truck was left in the original and then left there as it wasn't in the way and there was no need to move it. The tyres are still pumped up and I wouldn't mnd betting it would start without too much trouble.

It is not for sale. The current owner of the business is the son of the original owner and considers it part of the history of the workshop. Enjoy the photos

And some of the other vehicles and engines from the owner and the Eltham Steam & Stationary Engine Preservation Society on display outside

From beside the 'new' workshop

Wolfy on his BSA with my 1965 XP Falcon and a 1951 Ford Mainline (twin spinner) Utilities

The engine from the mainline

and the mainline itself beside the 'old' workshop where the tow truck was stored

The 'workshop runabout' is an XL Falcon with a 170 Cubic Inch Motor

My XP on display behind a series of 3hp stationay motors from the USA (International M Type), UK (Lister Junior) and Australia (Ronaldson Tippet G Type)

Mrs P and I keep wolfman company

Having lived through a pandemic I now understand all the painting of fat people on couches!

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17 years 3 months ago #556 by podge66
;DGreat photos Bruce but if you and Helen are in the photo then whos behind the camera. The old tow truck looks great and the motors lined up look good with XP behind them. Well done Bruce.

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