Victorian Club Permit Scheme (CPS) - (2015 Revisions) revised 2-2022
VicRoads have released revisions to the CPS which came into effect from January 31 2015 and which will require changes to the system presently used by HCVCA for processing new applications and renewals. The introduction of these revisions has increased the amount of administration required for new CPS applications for applicant and Club, however the HCVCA believe this will improve the operation of the Scheme.
VicRoads advise that, from 31-1-15, permit renewals more than 3 months (90 days) after the expiry of the previous club permit will not be accepted and a new permit application will be required. Annual subscriptions must be paid by the due date to comply with VicRoads regulations. There is no longer a period of grace for payment of club subscriptions.
VicRoads will not actively identify existing modified vehicles for recertification but are required to take action where vehicles are reported as not roadworthy and/or inappropriately modified.
An M (modified) club permit plate is being introduced to cover (highly) modified vehicles.
Although photos of vehicles are not required for renewal of existing club permits HCVCA request that renewals during 2015 have photographs included to supplement the records required by VicRoads. A vehicle specification sheet will be made available to go with the photos. The photos required are – front, rear, full length drivers side (door closed), drivers side (door open area).
The relevant Standards Information sheets and forms mentioned below are available from the Vicroads website at
Vehicle Standards Information (VSI) 33 has been prepared to reflect permissible modifications and should be read in association with VSI 8 (Guide to modifications for motor vehicles). Although primarily passenger car based the information contained in VSI 8 and VSI 33 must also be applied to commercial vehicles as far as practicable.
If a CPS application is submitted for a vehicle that is modified outside the appropriate guidelines (of VSI 33 and 8) a Vehicle Assessment Signatory Scheme (VASS) approval certificate covering the modification(s) must be provided.
A VASS certificate is required for – conversions of vehicles to motor homes, engine changes not offered as an option by the manufacturer, installation of additional adult seats
and seatbelts, truck chassis extensions, brake modifications (check VSI 8), conversion from left hand to right hand drive, modifications or additions to heavy vehicles (check VSI 8), chassis replacement on a vehicle that has a separate chassis, vehicle modified to a tow truck.
Note. Existing requirements are that Motor vehicles manufactured outside Australia after 31-12-68 (30-6-75 for motor cycles) which do not have a previous Australian registration must have a VASS certificate to show the vehicle meets the Australian Design Rules that applied at the time the vehicle was manufactured.
CPS vehicles must comply with the Vehicle Standards appropriate to the date the vehicle was manufactured.
Clubs are required to maintain dated photographs of vehicles entering the CPS in accordance with the new Club Permit Agreement.
When signing new applications the Club is required to complete a Vehicle eligibility and standards declaration stating that the vehicle is eligible, safe for use on the road and it meets the applicable requirements for the category of vehicle for which a permit is sought.
VicRoads also require proof of ownership be supplied. This should be an original receipt or contract of sale. It should show VIN/chassis number, engine number, name, address and signature of previous owner, name and address of new owner and date of purchase.
HCVCA will continue the policy of requiring a Certificate of Roadworthiness (RWC) for new applications. An alternative provision for pre-1949 vehicles is available but is not HCVCA policy.
A new Club Permit Agreement with clubs is required by VicRoads and has been handled by the committee.
Application procedure.
In view of the above requirements applications for new Victorian CPS will only be processed by one authorised signatory (at present Dennis Brooks).
To assist applications and to cover the requirements of the Eligibility and standards declaration HCVCA will provide an Application Checklist on request.
A single application fee (payable to HCVCA) will be introduced to cover the increased cost of compliance e.g. the Club will have a cost in processing applications and maintaining files.
The applicant should –
- Request an Application checklist from HCVCA and fill it in.
- Obtain and complete the two application forms (Application and Vehicle Standards & Eligibility) from VicRoads office or website.
- Supply photographs as follows –
Photos to be 15 x 10 cm (6 x 4”) colour prints
Photos required are – front, rear, full length driver’s side with door closed, driving
position (with door open), engine bay, engine number location, chassis number location.
An adhesive label (not a post-it type note) to be affixed on rear of each photo with
applicants name and the date in ink.
- Supply current Certificate of Roadworthiness. - Provide proof of ownership.
- Enclose application fee ($25) payable to HCVCA
- Check availability of authorised signatory and post all documents with stamped self-addressed envelope included.
On receipt of CPS number and expiry date advise the authorised officer by phone or email to allow entry on Club records.