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Dima in Ukraine

4 months 1 week ago #250152 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Six hundred and ninety-seventh day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Today it was reported that our troops were forced to retreat from one populated area due to a significant preponderance of the forces of the russian devils! Such news is very regrettable, as our heroes will have to spill a lot of blood for the recapture of each settlement. But for the modern, including "democratic" world, the blood of people ceases to represent any value, especially the blood of other people.
And the latest anti-Ukrainian statements of the Prime Minister of Slovakia, a member of the European Union, robert fitzo, eloquently demonstrate that the declared democratic values of the EU are just words that have no real meaning and power.
Now there are already two active anti-democrats in the European Union - Hungary and Slovakia. But if they are not put in their place, the number of such politicians in the EU will only increase!
Losses of russian fascists as of 21 January!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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4 months 1 week ago #250167 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Six hundred and ninety-eighth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Today there was an air alert and my little girl, I was taking her from the shelter of the school!
There is fierce fighting on the front, russian devils are storming the positions of our heroes on all directions of the eastern front.
Today russian devils have shelled the city of Donetsk to blame Ukraine! fascist russia is acting in the manner of Goebels, who knew how to turn lies into "truth". Thinking people understand where lies are and where truth is, but russian devils are fighting on the information front. Corrupt politicians actively spread lies of russian fascists and do not realise that they become accomplices of genocide of Ukrainian people. And most importantly, they do not realise that retribution always comes!!!
And I'm going on night duty!
Losses of russian fascists as of 22nd January!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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4 months 1 week ago #250173 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Six hundred and ninety-ninth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Today russian devils have launched another massive missile strike on Ukraine. russian devils fired 41 missiles of various types on different cities of Ukraine, our air defence shot down 21 missiles. According to preliminary data, russian devils killed more than 10 peaceful Ukrainians. The body of a child has just been pulled out from under the rubble of a multi-storey building! Can you call this a war, no, this is mass murder - genocide!
While the next council of defence ministers of our partner countries is taking place in Ramstein, russian devils continue to kill peaceful Ukrainians for the second year. We hear talks, promises, but we do not see the result, because the deliveries of weapons to Ukraine are late and in small quantities, which means that russian devils are given the opportunity to kill peaceful Ukrainians!
Poland and the Baltic states are holding joint exercises in case of a russian attack. Why? What does it mean? They don't believe that Ukraine will stand up to fascist russia. And they don't realise that the main reason for the failure of the Ukrainian army is inefficient arms supplies from our partners!
And I yesterday during the night duty and today after the main work, continue to work in our volunteer headquarters! We will not stop even if the whole world stops believing in the Ukrainian people!
Losses of russian fascists on 23 January!
The following user(s) said Thank You: eerfree, Morris, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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4 months 1 week ago #250189 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
The seven hundredth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
After yesterday's massive missile attack by russian devils on peaceful Ukrainian cities, 10 Ukrainian civilians were killed and 70 injured in Kharkiv alone. russian devils killed an eight-year-old girl in Kharkiv who was crushed by a concrete slab of a destroyed apartment building! When I hear that a child has died, it is a blow to me. I am a father myself, so I can hardly bear information about the killing of children!
russian devils who kill peaceful Ukrainians and especially children will forever go home to hell, and fascist russia will be the door for all those who want to burn in molten lava!
And I today, together with my volunteer friends, after work again unloaded a van with food that Ukrainians collected for our heroic defenders. Our volunteers will sort them and collect food packages, which we will take to the front line to our heroes!
You can see many flags (and that's not all) of military units that our volunteer organisation helps! Our heroes hand us signed flags as a sign of gratitude for our support!
Losses of russian infanticide as of 24 January!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, Lang, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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4 months 1 week ago #250199 by mammoth
Replied by mammoth on topic Dima in Ukraine
Will be interesting to see what, if any, impact Ukraine's major cyber attack on Russian govt databases has. Yet another but not unexpected dimension of modern warfare.
The following user(s) said Thank You: PaulFH, asw120, wee-allis

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4 months 1 week ago #250204 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
The seven hundred and first day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Tonight, russian devils released 14 Iranian kamikaze drones on residential houses of Odessa city, our air defence shot down 11 of them. But shrapnel of the shot down drones and three remaining drones destroyed flats of residential houses of peaceful Ukrainians, data on victims is being clarified!
The situation on the eastern front is very difficult, the russian devils have sent large reinforcements in manpower and equipment!
And I'm going on night duty!
Losses of russian fascists as of 25th January!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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4 months 6 days ago #250224 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
The seven hundred and second day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Today is a relatively calm day for the territory of Ukraine, on which there are no hostilities, there were no massive rocket attacks by russian devils!
And our headquarters is actively working. Volunteers of our headquarters sorted and packed food kits for our heroes on the front line, from the products we unloaded the day before yesterday. In a few days, these kits will be sent to the front line to our defenders.
In the long-suffering city of Kharkiv, a forty-ton lorry with food arrived from our headquarters. This is how we support our fellow citizens in the city of Kharkiv, which is constantly being shelled by russian devils.
And today, the jeeps that we received from our American friends, which I guarded during my night watch, were taken away for refurbishment for military purposes.
Recently, my cousin's son, who was in the reserves, was drafted and will now be defending Ukraine.
russian fascist casualties as of 26 January!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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4 months 5 days ago #250247 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
The seven hundred and third day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Today is a relatively calm day, as there have been no air alerts and, consequently, no massive rocket attacks on Ukraine!
On the eastern front, the russian devils have been sent reinforcements of forty thousand killers, whom our heroes must turn into humus.
Destroyed, by russian devils, cities of eastern Ukraine, our valiant volunteers are bringing food, military ammunition, drones, sanitary backpacks, generators and much more to our defenders. By the evening, our heroes receive help from our volunteer organisation and our volunteers go to the next address. On the photos you can see destroyed, russian devils, churches, residential houses, shops. russian devils brought this russian peace to Ukraine!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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4 months 4 days ago #250256 by mammoth
The following user(s) said Thank You: PaulFH

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4 months 4 days ago #250261 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
The seven hundred and fourth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!Yesterday my six-year-old asked: "Daddy, when will the war end?" I said, "I don't know!" And I thought about it and came to the conclusion that in the world of immoral empty-worded politicians, who are used to calling lies lies the truth, who are ready to sell their souls to the devil for votes in elections, who for their own benefit do not notice the deaths of thousands of children, the war will continue for a long time and not only in Ukraine. Because if politicians wanted to end the war, it would be enough to provide Ukraine with as many weapons as necessary to destroy fascist russia. And it should have been done at least a year ago. The lost year, gave the russian devils the opportunity to turn the economy to military purposes, and the so-called sanctions resemble a drushlag, because even the elements of missiles that destroy peaceful cities of Ukraine, russia buys through intermediaries from our partners!The famous French actor Alain De Lon said: "I despise the people of this era. Everything here is fake. There is absolutely no respect left. Nobody keeps promises! The only thing that matters is money! All day long, the news is all about negativity and crime. When my day comes, I'll know for sure that I'm leaving this world without regret." I support his opinion, the only thing I would change the word "people" to the word "politicians", because there are many ordinary people all over the world who sympathise and support the people of Ukraine, and politicians are really losing all respect! Only common sense and unity of ordinary people will be able to save this world for our children! In the meantime, we need to fight and destroy russian fascism, which is spreading imperceptibly all over the world with the help of corrupt politicians!Losses of russian fascists as of 28 January!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, PaulFH, wee-allis, oliver1950

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