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1957 Morris Commercial LC5 (Ex Pommy Ambulance)

10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #149192 by Globi
I'm about to restore my old LC5 for the second time, the first time was in 1973.
I bought it in Sydney off an English teacher couple who had fitted it out as a camper van and had lived in it for 5 years at the time. The had also been to Africa with it at some time.
I regret not having taken any pictures of it before I stripped the inside because it needed extensive repairs to the timber frame work some of which was rotten. It had looked like an Edwardian brothel inside with red corduroy curtains everywhere, imitation marble kitchen cupboards and a black vinyl upholstered L shaped bed. The walls were covered with plastic covered layer of foam material (not sure what you would call it).
The whole lot was absolutely rotten from 5 years of living in it and the people could only stand living in it because they had an air conditioner stuck in one of the back windows supplying fresh air
Last edit: 10 years 4 months ago by IHScout.

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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #149193 by
...hey mate .. how ya goin', and welcome to the forum 8-) 8-)

...she looks a real plum in the that one of those Preston Engineering bullbar? 8-) 8-).....and did it fall off one of those Grey Ghosts on your trip out of ''Steak and Kidney'' all those years ago? ;D ;)...

.... in all seriousness, you've had her so long now, it would be a crime not to see her able to turn a wheel again and to be able to relive past days.....keep us all informed on Daphne's progress...cheers mate 8-)

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10 years 4 months ago #149194 by IHScout
Great story. Thanks for posting and as the detecta says, keep us up to date with how you go. Just a tip on the photos. You can make them appear in your post as they do now by copying the "direct" link in photobucket and pasting into you post using the image code (third button along in the editing window). So you end up with the copied link between img /img code inside square brackets.


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10 years 4 months ago #149195 by Globi
Will keep you posted on any progress. No idea where the bullbar came from: it was on it when I bought it.
Thanks for the tip on uploading the pics IHScout: will try it next time.
I have a bit of a story of my first trip from Melbourne to Perth, but it was in a 1934 Chrysler: maybe not appropriate in a truck forum???
Cheers Peter

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10 years 4 months ago #149196 by
Hi Globi.

I really like stories like yours..........I have started a thread under the "General" part of the forum headed Nullabor Adventures. I have a few stories of my own and will post them of them is heading east in May 1973.....road under water a lot of the way.

Look forward to hearing about your trip in the 1934 Chrysler


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10 years 4 months ago - 10 years 4 months ago #149197 by
...yeah! .. bring all the Nullarbor story's and memories on 8-) 8-) 8-)...

....i guess us truck blokes too have driven a car here and there over time ;D ;D 8-) 8-)

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10 years 4 months ago #149198 by Globi
Have just posted it on the 'Nullabor Adventures' thread...

I hope to see some others there soon :-)

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