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Injector removal

10 years 4 months ago #148559 by kenny-mopar
Injector removal was created by kenny-mopar
hi guys im trying to remove a leaking injector from my dozer ..ive removed the "threaded collar" that holds it in the cyl head now ive noticed there is a small hole down one side of the bore where the injector sits ..could there be a threaded screw/bolt down that hole that also secures the injector in place? ..

cheers ken

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10 years 4 months ago #148560 by harpo
Replied by harpo on topic Re: Injector removal
what type of engine etc are you trying to remove this injector from? Maybe a couple of pics might jog a few brain cells for us old timers as well.

harpo :D

d.l.marks&&( harpo)&&     on&&LA SNAIL -(69 beddie)&&&

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10 years 4 months ago #148561 by kenny-mopar
Replied by kenny-mopar on topic Re: Injector removal
from a Hanomag (German) dozer D600c .. im hopeless with photos :-?

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10 years 4 months ago #148562 by harpo
Replied by harpo on topic Re: Injector removal
have you tried to google that type of diesel for a workshop manual, or a how to section? ;)

d.l.marks&&( harpo)&&     on&&LA SNAIL -(69 beddie)&&&

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10 years 4 months ago #148563 by kenny-mopar
Replied by kenny-mopar on topic Re: Injector removal
have tried ! but havnt been successful :-[

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10 years 4 months ago #148564 by harpo
Replied by harpo on topic Re: Injector removal

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10 years 4 months ago #148565 by kenny-mopar
Replied by kenny-mopar on topic Re: Injector removal
thankyou i already have one of those manuals but unfortunately they arnt exactly comprehensive .. the fully comprehensive manuals avalable from Phil hunt at Tamworth are over $700 :-X

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10 years 4 months ago #148566 by mercskeepmeinajob
Sounds like it is similar to Bosch MAN and Mercedes injectors. The threaded hole for the injector has what looks like a half drilled hole slightly off set from the centreline of the head.

The Germans did this to allow all the dirt and water to get in behind the retaining nut and sieze the injector real well in the head!

However the hole acts as a locator for the injector, which has a little dick on the injector body to make sure the nozzle aligns properly and sits in the right spot to dump the fuel all over the piston and make the fire in there real hot.

Shove some rust loosening stuff or diesel down around the injector and use a slide hammer (if you have the room above it) Make a fitting for your slide hammer out of an injector nut and a couple of good hits will see it sailing through the air before crashing on the ground beside the engine.

A less spectacular way is to use an appropriate spanner over the flats on the top of the injector to try, twist and turn (albeit a miniscule amount because it has the dick on it) to loosen it. This will keep you busy for hours of fun , so invite some friends around for an injector loosening party, they'll talk about this one for years.

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10 years 4 months ago #148567 by kenny-mopar
Replied by kenny-mopar on topic Re: Injector removal
yes that does make sense ..with the locator dick ..(which at the moment is a real dick!) i mite give the engine a 5 second startup tomorrow to see if it dislodges if not a slide hammer as you recommended might see the injector airborne :D

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10 years 4 months ago #148568 by mercskeepmeinajob
If you are going to fire her up to loosen em make sure you keep the retaining nuts on em but a couple of threads loose, so they don't send themselves like german hand grenades through the air seeking anything with glass in it.
Stops the injector lines being bent and then only useful for gate post twitchin or lynch pin replacement too.

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