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11 years 4 months ago #126740 by
WORD OF WARNING was created by
looking at other web sites all the pictures i posted here at hcvc been pirated and others claiming they owne the pictures allso many other pictures from hcvc allso pirated
and many of the stories is there a way to stopthese ar==holes? from pirating our stuff ????????? >:( >:( >:(

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11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #126741 by
Replied by on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING
....unfortunately rmodel, there is not a thing you can do if you've posted on the WORLD WIDE WEB....'s a bit like putting an advert in the newspaper....only worse.... because of the international exposure the internet offers,,, a way it's very flattering for some brain dead no hoper to pinch our stuff.....makes 'em feel all important and clever.....cheers mate

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11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #126742 by jimbo51
Replied by jimbo51 on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING
That's why I now put "HCVC Forum" as a watermark on some of the pictures I post here.

Won't stop the pirating but at least shows where it came from and hopefully generates positive interest in the forum.

Of course you get the smarties that try to obliterate or crop the watermark with varying degrees of success. Just confirms their moral bankruptcy.

And you will have no doubt noticed there are some who object to "sauce" - can't please everyone.

(I use a program called Visual Watermark - $20 well spent - )
Last edit: 11 years 4 months ago by jimbo51.

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11 years 4 months ago #126743 by werkhorse
Replied by werkhorse on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING
Why not post some (all) of the link you have found .... Maybe we can shake the tree and see what fallls

You might Laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same

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11 years 4 months ago #126744 by
Replied by on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING
About the only thing that can be done is let the owner of the picture or story know where you found the "stolen" items.

For the people that own the pictures or story's can then approach the people that have "stolen" their property and ask them to either remove, acknowledge or otherwise stop using your photo or story. As you own the copyright to those items.

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  • Swishy
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11 years 4 months ago #126745 by Swishy
Replied by Swishy on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING
If U got sum pix so precious 2 U
n u dun want any body to lift m

dont put m on the net in the 1st place

many might have pix on a site wiff all the copyright rules n laws etc
but the pix may B found thru google with no recognition of the site the pix came from



There's more WORTH in KENWORTH

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11 years 4 months ago #126746 by
Replied by on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING
Oh and I would also suggest NOT to put links on the forum as it could legitimize the sites as well as increases their traffic which is what they want!

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11 years 4 months ago #126747 by Mrsmackpaul
Replied by Mrsmackpaul on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING

Why not post some (all) of the link you have found .... Maybe we can shake the tree and see what fallls

now you be careful with all this tree shaken last big tree shaker I was involved with taught me I cant fly and bones do break "moral to story big bald fella up a tree with a chainsaw in cyclone yassie dont mix and busted back and arm hurt like all get out for some time" here endeth the lesson lol seeya

Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging

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11 years 4 months ago #126748 by
Replied by on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING

Regardless of how u find the picture the copyright rules still apply. If you have a look at google image search they always have a link to the original page this is a form of acknowledging ownership of the pic.

As soon as you download that picture for any purpose other than the owner intended you are breaking copyright.

For example I upload my picture to flickr and link to the forum. It is then ok for the picture to be viewed on my Flickr account and on the forum where I link it. And I can also use that pic else where. But no one else can without my permission. Not even some one else reusing my picture on this forum is in theory permitted!

The problem is people believe that everything on the Internet is public domain. This is not the case.

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11 years 4 months ago #126749 by bigcam
Replied by bigcam on topic Re: WORD OF WARNING
Well at the end of the day it is just a few more people getting a bit of enjoyment out of either a story or an old picture.

I've seen quite a few of my photo's on Flicker with someone else's name on them. I'm not sue weather that comes up because they have been "pinched" then uploaded to Flicker of what, but I'm not to worried about it.

Too many people want to tie things up as their own, sure it is nice to be recognized for taking a picture, but it is after all the internet. Only thing I don't like, and it rarely seen anyway, is when a story isn't retold properly and it isn't fair on those involved.

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