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903 Cummins performance - In the Day

11 years 1 week ago #136613 by paulc20
After talking to Dennis Harrison recently about 903s (in the R200 thread here: ), he was telling me a large company, still around he thinks but couldn't recall the name, ran a fleet of 903s in S2s with governor set at 3300 rpm, very reliable but any more revs was almost instant failure.

What revs and what power were people getting from 903s in the day?

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11 years 1 week ago #136614 by D40Inter
Dunno to much about it but my S2 according to the kenworth sales document was governed at 2400rpm 320hp but i have noticed that it swings out past 2400 rpm no trouble at all but the tacho light still comes on at 2400 rpm.
Its an ex Commonwealth Portland Cement truck one of five bought in 74.

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11 years 6 days ago #136615 by newto
you're confusing the mighty V/VT903 with the disastrous triple nickel V555 hand grenades!!!!
555's were originally at 3,300rpm & 225hp

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11 years 5 days ago #136616 by bongobob mc licence
well u hav a fully imported early 320 903 than if thats wat ita build sheet says thay called em a canadian 903 so your s2 wld be a 1972/75 model yer and i allways thort they were rated 320 @ 2700 unlike tha aust ones were 295 @2600 unless yours is a terbo one making it 320 at 2400 n that wld problt make your truck a 1976/77 model either way lift tha fuel pressure 25% n shim ita pump to 3000rpm n drive it to2850 and it will go like a rat up a drain pipe . tha turbo ones were sum little ones in sum 3070 single drives 250hp then tha bigger ones were 300 hp at 2400 320hp@2400 then 350 @2600 but every body i knew including me put a 20 or a 17 button in em n open tha reves up to 3000 rpm put your seat belt on and hang on over!!!!!! ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D

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11 years 5 days ago #136617 by newto
hmmmm,I havent been here for a while but i'm beginning to remember why ;)
where to begin?????
1.All 903's were imported,none ever built in Oz,
2.All 903's were built in Columbus,Indianna,USA,hence the engine number starts with 10.
3.Cummins have never had a plant in Canada!
4.K/W spec non turbo's were all rated at 320hp because of the superior cooling & installation
5.Inters & Frauds were rated at 295hp.
6.turbo 903's were never fitted standard into S2 KW's.
7.3070's also never came out with turbo 903's.
8.the 250hp 903 rating was for fleets like rapid transport & linfox.they were painted fawn & werent turbo'd. for 3000rpm...I've used a code for 2800 rpm from an airport fire crash truck for 400hp....never seen 3000rpm on my pump stand.

end of lesson,


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11 years 5 days ago #136618 by Mrsmackpaul

there you go newto something for the teacher [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging

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11 years 5 days ago #136619 by hayseed

Hey, Newto. Check your PM's.. ;)

"Be who you are and say what you feel...
Because those that matter...
don't mind...
And those that mind....
don't matter." -

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11 years 5 days ago #136620 by newto
thank you mrsmackpaul,

thats 1 sucker of an apple

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11 years 5 days ago #136621 by bigcam
Newto, that answered a few questions.
Shoot me down in flames, but my memory of the single drive 3070's an LN 9000's was that they were rated at 250HP at new. I had a couple of 3070's a looong time ago, and my recollection of them was they were 320 HP and the Louey's were 295 HP (it was a long time ago, I could be wrong) but I didn't know why the different settings, someone told me that the 295's had a different torque curve, mind they all seemed to go pretty much the same to me, the closest Cummins came to making a GM, plenty of noise, plenty of fuel, and (unless the DCA wasn't kept up to them) bullet proof.

I've got one in the shed in an old Louey I fire up every now and then just to hear it and kill the mozzies.

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11 years 5 days ago #136622 by newto
the 3070's were only 295hp along with the frauds.
the single drive 3070's were 250hp x factory but the frauds were all 295hp.
take care of that mozzie zapper cam

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