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Dima in Ukraine

3 months 4 weeks ago #250411 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Seven hundred and eleventh day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Today russian devils shelled the long-suffering city of Kherson. As a result of the shelling, four Ukrainian civilians were killed and thirteen were wounded!
And today we sent another support to the east of Ukraine, to our heroic defenders. We are sending: an ambulance, a minivan, several drones, trench candles, gas burners, camouflage nets, food and many other useful things! Before leaving, the priest blesses the volunteer crews for a safe journey.
Losses of russian fascists on February 5!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, wee-allis, oliver1950

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3 months 3 weeks ago #250418 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Seven hundred and thirteenth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Sometimes I lose count of days, for example yesterday instead of 712, I wrote 711 days. Don't be surprised, I have been living the same day lately, as in the famous film "Groundhog Day", because I live by routine! But that's the small things of life!
Today, russian devils again shelled the long-suffering city of Kherson and killed 5 Ukrainian civilians. And from under the rubble, destroyed by russian devils, hotel in Kharkiv region, pulled out the body of a baby, his mother is in intensive care!
Today I handed diplomas to my students - masters in economics, which were not many, some of them are already fighting!!!!
And now I'm going on another night duty!
Our sappers, for whom we buy steel balls, sent some videos of the work of bombs with balls, which drones drop in the dugouts of russian devils, 100% effect of destruction of the enemy! One video shows the destruction of a russian sniper! If any of you want to participate in the destruction of russian fascists, you can donate a convenient amount of money for you!
Losses of russian fascists on 6 February!
The following user(s) said Thank You: eerfree, Morris, Lang, wee-allis, oliver1950

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3 months 3 weeks ago #250440 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Seven hundred and fourteenth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists! During the night duty I loaded with food the car that will go to the range to our defenders and carry kamikaze drones! And the morning began with an air alert, russian devils released 20 kamikaze drones on Ukraine, 15 of which were shot down by our air defence! A few hours later the air alarm sounded again, the russian devils launched a massive missile strike on Ukraine. Today, the russian devils fired 44 different missiles at Ukraine, our air defences shot down 29. As a result of the shelling of residential buildings, according to preliminary data, russian devils killed 4 people in Kiev, 41 Ukrainian civilians were injured, in the city of Mykolaiv killed one and 6 Ukrainians were injured.And I was unloading foodstuffs after my main job, which after sorting will be taken to our defenders.The team of our volunteers, which recently went to our defenders, is completing its mission to transport and give our heroes the necessary things! In the photo you can see a petrol station looted by russian barbarians and an improvised Christmas tree with photos of the fallen heroes. Such Christmas trees have been installed on all frontline roads as a reminder of the price Ukrainians pay for the opportunity to live and celebrate holidays in relatively peaceful territories. In addition, this is the answer of our heroes to some Ukrainians, who despite the fact that there is a war in the country, lead a licentious lifestyle and celebrate holidays on the days when heroes die on the front! Apart from the russian fascists, we have to fight on the civilian front against the indifference of some Ukrainians who live at their own pleasure.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, wee-allis, oliver1950

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3 months 3 weeks ago #250450 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
The seven hundred and fifteenth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Yesterday, a court in the occupied territory of Donetsk region sentenced 33 Ukrainian prisoners of war to terms of 27 to 29 years in strict regime colonies. They were accused of having killed one civilian as a result of shelling of the occupied territory by Ukrainian troops! Even if this is true, with such a proportion, for those killed by russian devils, peaceful Ukrainians and, especially, Ukrainian children, it is possible to imprison the entire army of russian devils for life! I do not believe in justice in this politically immoral world!
There is heavy fighting on the eastern front, the russian devils are wiping out the town of Avdeevka! Our heroes are holding the defence, but the forces are not equal, the russian devils systematically receive reinforcements, and the number of artillery attacks on the positions of our defenders, dozens of times exceed the answers of our soldiers!
And today after the main work, I was assigned to clean up the warehouse of our volunteer organisation, entrusted to arrange medical equipment, which we give to military hospitals!
Losses of russian fascists on 8 February!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, wee-allis, oliver1950

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3 months 3 weeks ago #250458 by mammoth
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3 months 3 weeks ago #250459 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Seven hundred and sixteenth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Today, 100 Ukrainian prisoners of war have returned from russian captivity, including the defenders of Mariupol. The authorities of the United Arab Emirates contributed to the return of our military men, for this we thank them very much!
And our authorities have today changed the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army. This news was received ambiguously by the population of Ukraine, as he enjoys great trust of Ukrainians and his resignation will have a negative impact on the mood of Ukrainian society.
No change on the front, the russian devils continue their offensive all along the eastern front, while our heroic defenders hold the defence!
I'm going on another night watch this evening!
Losses of russian fascists on 9 February!​
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, wee-allis, oliver1950

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3 months 3 weeks ago #250490 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Seven hundred and seventeenth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Tonight, russian devils fired 31 kamikaze drones at Ukraine, our air defence shot down 23! Several kamikaze drones of russian devils hit an oil depot in Kharkiv region. As a result of explosions of fuel tanks, rivers of fire flowed down four nearby streets, which burnt 14 residential houses to the ground. The burning of the houses was so rapid that some residents did not have time to escape from the burning houses. According to preliminary data, seven people were burnt alive, and dozens received burns of varying degrees of severity. In one of the houses a whole family, a father, a mother and three children aged 4 and 6 and a six-month-old infant, burned to death. This is the russian world, which is carried by russian devils to Ukraine and this is russian fascism with which corrupt politicians want to negotiate!
Losses of russian fascists on 10 February!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, wee-allis, oliver1950

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3 months 3 weeks ago #250525 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Seven hundred and nineteenth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!
Yesterday I did not write anything, I was lying down with poisoning, I did not even have the strength to write. Today it is easier, in half an hour I will go on night duty!
For the last two days russian devils have been attacking Ukraine with kamikaze drones, most of them are shot down by our air defence, but civilians are killed and infrastructure destroyed!
On the front the situation is grave, there is a shortage of ammunition.
Losses of russian fascists as of 11-12 February!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, wee-allis

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3 months 2 weeks ago #250542 by Dima Ukraine
Replied by Dima Ukraine on topic Dima in Ukraine
Seven hundred and twentieth day of the war of the Ukrainian people against the russian fascists!There are no changes on the front, the russian devils continue to attack the positions of our defenders, but they have changed their tactics. If earlier they attacked by sabotage groups or by storming with infantry and paratroopers, now they have wised up and now russian devils actively use artillery and aviation. As a result of such attacks, entire settlements are wiped off the face of the earth.In our army, now there is a change of generalship, which began with the change of the commander-in-chief, so there is some uncertainty in the expectations of the Ukrainian society from the replacement of the leadership of the Ukrainian heroic army!Losses of russian fascists on 13 February!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Morris, wee-allis, oliver1950

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3 months 2 weeks ago #250543 by Lang
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