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Feedback on the new look site

10 months 1 week ago #248087 by Gryphon

I have also noticed that the spell check function of the browser is identifying a word as incorrect but the right-click doesn't bring up a menu of options but is only displaying a Paste ctrl-V option.


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10 months 1 week ago #248091 by oliver1950
The remember function is not working, I have to log in every time  after going to another site and returning to this site even though I have ticked the remember me button

You can't have too many toys!
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10 months 1 week ago #248097 by Lang
Replied by Lang on topic Feedback on the new look site
Just discovered another problem. The washed out print can not be read on a phone - at least my phone with my eyes.


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10 months 1 week ago #248107 by Kav
Replied by Kav on topic Feedback on the new look site
Background looks like recycled toilet paper. It is hard to read on the big screen let alone on a phone or Ipad. Also there is not enough contrast with the grey lettering and the red. Looks like a fifty year old newspaper. Not good enough.

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10 months 1 week ago #248110 by Pierre
Hi Terry, I'm on a few forums so here's my feed-back for your consideration.

Background pure white.
Subject Headings in Arial Bold Black Font 24
Text comments in Arial Black Font 11.5
No Italics, unless the user wants to highlight something in their post.
Colour - OK in user profiles, not sure we need coloured text anywhere but ISTBC.

At the end of the day, we're all getting older & need clear text to ease our eye strain.
Appreciate your efforts thus far & hope the journey is not too painful for you!
Look forward to your next iteration,
All the best

The following user(s) said Thank You: 180wannabe, Bluey60, overlander

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10 months 1 week ago #248113 by Mrsmackpaul
Well the font has changed, thank you, much better

The colour has changed, much much easier to read

Search appears to work now, thank you

Getting better all the time


Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging
The following user(s) said Thank You: 180wannabe, Pierre

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10 months 1 week ago #248116 by Lang
Replied by Lang on topic Feedback on the new look site
Much clearer thanks Terry.

Still too big. If it goes beyond comfortable eye movement to head turning to read it is not user friendly.

Some forums have landscape type format and are absolutely hopeless trying to keep track of lines that run right across the page. This is why newspapers have columns and never go across the page.

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10 months 1 week ago #248120 by mammoth
Use of columns in newspapers was more to do with technical issues as they started out with flat press individual letter hard type, and then linotype which was cast in lines (from which a papier mache mould was made to make the roller plate for final printing). I would guess the happy coincidence of Lang's observation is what has perpetuated the columns into the modern age.

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10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #248121 by Lang
Replied by Lang on topic Feedback on the new look site

Columns predated printing presses. The Bible was mostly (but not all)  hand written in two columns as far back as 700 and of course it has become standard since the introduction of presses. It allows much faster scanning to find an idea, word or concept.  Full page printing was available from Gutenberg's first test run.

Not just newspapers. Magazines, newsletters and pamphlets all are filled with columns. Most large coffee-table books are also printed in columns. As Steve says there is absolutely no technical reason to do this today but it is driven by human capability and user-friendly design.

This message box I am writing in now is pretty close to excellent with 10 - 12 words per line. 15 is a stretch but over that it becomes difficult.

Unfortunately when I press post you will see it come up right across the page.

I bet you can not read the following easily without heightened concentration.

From USA Publishing Journal

Typographic manuals generally suggest 50-60 characters, or 10 words, per column line. Widths in this range has been found to support the fastest reading speed for many users, in research going at least back to the 1960s. In some cases, as many as 75 characters can be acceptable, but reading speed drops off above that point.The reason for this effect has to do with the physiology of the human eye. We do not move our eye smoothly, even when we think we are doing so. Rather, our eye jumps from point to point, about four to eight times a second, in a rather narrow field of view, fixating on each point before moving forwards to the next. This is called saccadic eye movement.When scanning forwards through a line of words, these fixes align well with our forward progress through the text, and we easily scan and recognize words. But when we have to scan backwards, we may have to do several fixes before our eye "locks on" to the start of the next line. Since there is a fixed (at least 200 msec) cost for each of these fixes, any increase in the number of them can cause a measurable reduction in reading speed.So there is definitely science behind the practice. Now, there is also quite a bit of art - in particular with regard to how much whitespace to place between lines, and how to deal with the particular features of a typeface, which can increase or decrease the legibility of individual words. The use of hyphens, which require the reader to hold half of a word in memory during the scan back to the front of the line, increases the conceptual burden for the reader as well.

This is the oldest Bible in existance. You can see they used columns even then. Dates to 5th Century.

Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by Lang.
The following user(s) said Thank You: wee-allis

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  • BillyP
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10 months 1 week ago #248122 by BillyP
Well its certainly diffrent  ;but too spread out ...writing too spidery ....hard to see on a small screen........
Took me a while to log in .....Change for me is hard to accommodate , i just loved the old site.........
Seen a lot of other forum sites that i never bothered to go back to because too difficult to navigate ........
BUT change is inevitable in anything i suppose........
I know it is hard to please everybody  and we all appreciate the work that you blokes put into
this forum so i hope it works out ok.............
Now how the hell do i log out...................



I used to be a truck driver,
but i am now not a truck driver ,
on a good day i can remember
that i used to be a truck driver.

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