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Moving of display vehicles whilst public close by

12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #99961 by Beaver
I get horrified at the lack of responsibility and supervision that modern parents seem to take with their kids.

Common scenarios I have encountered in the past:

At the Museum, toddlers are left to wander around alone, not uncommon to see one climbing up on a fire engine unaided while the parent stands back and watches (if they are there at all)

In a local department store, toddler is wandering around the toy section pulling boxes off the shelves while mum sits up the other end chatting away on the phone. When she finished, she picks up kid and walks off leaving the mess on the floor.

In local shopping centre, I see two kids playing at the top of an escalator, sticking fingers into the tracks. Two women sitting some distance away drinking coffee. I enquire if the kids are theirs, yes - "we told them not to play near the escalators but they don't take any notice". WTF??

But I guess when you have generations that think that movies of kids and adults injuring themselves in "Funni

Beaver@ Museum of Fire
Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by Beaver.

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12 years 1 week ago #99962 by
You're not wrong Beaver. And I think it is getting worse.

When still at high school (over 10 years ago!) I worked one Christmas Holiday in a Toy Area at a large store. It was amazing how many kids were left in the toy area while the parents went off to do their shopping! No guilt or concern by the parent.

The same climbing all over things occurs at a Museum I do volunteering work at also same as what you observer except some of our equipment is a lot higher and bigger than even a fire engine! What amazes me is that regularly you have the parents encouraging or lifting the kids onto the machinery then standing back!

Very scary stuff!

And they almost are shocked when you tell the parent off! Or for even more fun shock when you tell the kid off!

It is interesting that as we put more and more barriers to protect people the more stupid people appear to get!

I remember some video a friend had of a vintage engine display overseas. None of the engines were fenced off. Operators and public walking between running engines. And no one was killed or injured and no problems I believe in getting insurance!

Maybe we just over protect people from themselves!

But if we didn't? We would be at fault!!!

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12 years 1 week ago #99963 by Chocs
Sometimes Beaver.....
Ya just gotta stand there and shake ya head...

I heard me Pop say it, i heard the Ol Man say it...
now i'm sayin it...

The whole story needs a good shake up..
Where would you start?..

Won't be long , you wont be able to find any commonsense, let alone have the strength to implant any..

Chocs 8-)

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12 years 1 week ago #99964 by geoffb
Rules are made to protect the idiots. 90% of the rules are for 5% of the population Make it idiot proof just makes a smarter idiot

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12 years 1 week ago #99965 by Beaver
I can remeber back 40 or so years ago when I had my private vehicle collection on a property just out of Sydney. A couple of days each year we would open it up to invited public. Would ring up an insurnace company, tell them I wanted $xxx PL coverage for a day, yes sir that will be $yy dollars (ridiculously cheap amount by today's standards. Send them the money, back would come the receipt, no futher questions asked or conditions raised. Only thing was, if you asked for a policy document explaining what was actually covered the response was along the lines of "no policy, just make a claim and we will decide if you're covered or not"!!

Beaver@ Museum of Fire

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #99966 by busntruck
Last show we had, we had to get copies of PLI off all the kids ride ppl, sellers and food venders etc. ::)
As well as our own show insurance on top of our clubs PLI and the people that owned the venue needed to have their PLI as well. :o ::)
I asked why we all had to have PLI insurance and was told it's the way the act is written in law.

A mate of mine that was involved in motor racing told me a story about PLI & the hassles they had during some sort of claim/law suit and explained it better to me than any of the insurance brokers, it frightened me a bit.

"Bite off more than you can chew and chew like hell."
Last edit: 12 years 1 week ago by busntruck.

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #99967 by
g'day fella's .. a good example of ''having top go'' was Angle iron and Aerodyne at the Sandown show recently whereas they were on a mission to get the old 1964 ex Cameron's pantech back to Sydney......and by about midday Sunday things were becoming quite urgent ..for all kinds of reasons....

...everyone loved their presence, but they really had to make a mile...which if you've read elsewhere, ended up a bit of drama all the we all have all kinds of circumstances to deal with....and flexibility is the key in this regard....

....if things get too hard to deal with i 'spose some of us could have a gutter party out the front of these show and piss off when we feel like it ;D ;D ;D ;D.....cheers

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11 years 9 months ago #99968 by
last time i looked this is a free country no one but no one has the right to hold us against our will we all pay our fuel bills rego etc to go to these events some travel many miles so what if they like to get a head start going home as SLOW SPEED SAYS be a very brave or stupid person to stand in the way especially if decide to go home >:( >:( >:(

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11 years 9 months ago #99969 by John D
Hello, just my 2 bob's worth as I sort of agree with rmodel as I usually have a long drive home in a slow vehicle and I like to be off the road before dark, but the problem I see is that the people who have to take responsiblity for the show or rally ie organisers may decide that if participants won't abide by their safety rules then maybe they won't run the show or you won't be allowed to participat unless you agree to abide by their rules before hand.

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