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our beloved forum is too sanitised

9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #157521 by dno
Most forums seem to be very quiet at present, the main thing to remember is it's the members that make a forum what it is. Plenty of pics help keeping things interesting too.

Chipping away, one day at a time.
Limited Access Excavations.
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Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by dno.

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #157522 by
G'day Fellas .. sorry if i look like i've been bitten by the wild dingo!.... i'll try to elucidate on the issues as i see it...

...i guess to me, it seems like we all have to take ourselves here too seriously...for fear of someone getting upset and starting a print war, when really tomorrow is another day and we should be thankful that we'll be here to see it!...

....i've always come here for the info and light relief that comes with some of the responses, but recently i came across a forum titled "The Blokey Shed"....what a cracker...a laugh a minute, plenty of colour in the banter and bugger all animosities...which are howled down anyway if someone does get that little bit precious....exactly opposite to what it is here!!...

...if life is becoming more serious by the day for a lot of us, the last thing i want is a lot more seriousness at the end of it...we need to lighten up, laugh at ourselves and step back a little to that laconic truckie attitude of "she'll be right mate" ....cheers to all

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9 years 1 month ago #157523 by

G'day Fellas .. sorry if i look like i've been bitten by the wild dingo!.... i'll try to elucidate on the issues as i see it...

...i guess to me, it seems we have taken ourselves all too seriously here for quite a while...for fear of someone getting upset and starting a print war, when really tomorrow is another day and we should be thankful that we'll be here to see it!...

....i've always come here for the info and light relief that comes with some of the responses, but recently i came across a forum titled "The Blokey Shed"....what a cracker...a laugh a minute, plenty of colour in the banter and bugger all animosities...which are howled down anyway if someone does get that little bit precious....exactly opposite to what it is here!!...

...if life is becoming more serious by the day for a lot of us, the last thing i want is a lot more seriousness at the end of it...we need to lighten up, laugh at ourselves and step back a little to that laconic truckie attitude of "she'll be right mate" ....cheers to all

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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #157524 by Bobsboy
Once again Mr Detective Sir, I am on your side, I get what your saying.

The recent drama's were not about strong language or ripping yarns from the side of the road.

It was, to my mind, about being dictated to by certain well known senior, (and well respected) contributors that held
very strong and inflexible views about what the ENTIRE Forum should ONLY be about.

It was from there that the very public brawl erupted.
The fall out from that has, I feel confident in saying, hurt us all.

The Forum as a whole suffered for that fact and has yet to fully recover.
It is a good Forum and it will recover given the commitment and knowledge base of contributors such as i.e. for instance, your good self.

Give it time, we will get there. ;D

Mucking about on the edge
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by Bobsboy.

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9 years 1 month ago #157525 by geoffb
I'm with you Bob
But there needs to some easing of the PC as I'm over it and as this week Anzac is that what Aussie's are about a bit of friendly fire
Gees Defective the key board finger will get sore with all this writing :P :P :P

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9 years 1 month ago #157526 by newto

First of all I would like to agree with Paul .
Remember fellas you all had a lot to say about the way the forum was run and now that it has been tighten up a bit you dont like it the best thing you blokes can do is keep your mouths shut case somthing else gets changed. Dave

Maybe you should practice what you preach Dave???

This post saying to keep your mouths shut plus your next couple certainly don't look like there's any man hugs going to be happening any time soon!!

References to talking a lot of bull and pulling heads in doesn't give me that warm fuzzy isn't everything going good here feeling.

just saying,


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9 years 1 month ago #157527 by Mrsmackpaul
I'll give ya a HUG newto come ere big fella "THAT'S THE WAY YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT"

there we go all better now :D :D :D :D


Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging

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9 years 1 month ago #157528 by Mrsmackpaul

G'day Fellas .. sorry if i look like i've been bitten by the wild dingo!.... i'll try to elucidate on the issues as i see it...

...i guess to me, it seems like we all have to take ourselves here too seriously...for fear of someone getting upset and starting a print war, when really tomorrow is another day and we should be thankful that we'll be here to see it!...

....i've always come here for the info and light relief that comes with some of the responses, but recently i came across a forum titled "The Blokey Shed"....what a cracker...a laugh a minute, plenty of colour in the banter and bugger all animosities...which are howled down anyway if someone does get that little bit precious....exactly opposite to what it is here!!...

...if life is becoming more serious by the day for a lot of us, the last thing i want is a lot more seriousness at the end of it...we need to lighten up, laugh at ourselves and step back a little to that laconic truckie attitude of "she'll be right mate" ....cheers to all

Hey defective I swung over and had a look at the blokey shed your right mate a good laugh only read one thread more laughs in one thread than this forum would have in a month


Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging

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9 years 1 month ago #157529 by Mrsmackpaul
Now Im gunna be real bad we cant have a laugh it's not a truck ;D ;D ;D ;D
next we will all be laughing at wooden caravans ;D ;D ;D ;D or maybe trolly's or bag trucks, who know's somebody might even find Swishy one day he's still asking were he is ;D ;D ;D ;D
Struth we all have become a bit anal havent we wonder were that larrikin sense of humor has gone that Aussies were always known for

Brownys onto it I feel


Your better to die trying than live on your knees begging

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9 years 1 month ago #157530 by kenny-mopar
im fine with the forum however it is disheartening to see peoples names come up as "ex members" ... i guess at the end of the day a lot of us here are/can be grumpy old men [smiley=beer.gif] lets not let depression get to us either :o

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