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Swishy and Rex 1, Heavy Haulage Australia 0

9 years 7 months ago #160289 by 82cabover
I read that 50% of the business was with atlas mining I think that was the mine and they pulled up stumps so a very big hit to take if its correct :o

livin the dream oldskool is cool

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9 years 7 months ago #160290 by mercskeepmeinajob
That is sad to see about HHA. However Voluntary Admin is better than the alternate. May also help to refocus.
Who isn't feeling the pain of cash flow at the moment?

Have had a little bit of contact with Jon over the last 10 years, I admire his drive & ambition and would like to think that every operator could and would have as much personal pride in their fleet!

If I may also put to print I don't believe some of the above comments are just and are that far different from the Censored Scandalous yet highly amusing,- "Volvo wot r they good 4" thread.

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9 years 7 months ago #160291 by dieseldog
Spare a thought for McAleese- everything they go near turns to poo.

They have about as much luck as me...

I think its the same everywhere though, every third shop around town has a notice in the window saying "The landlord has taken possession......All the locks have been changed...."

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9 years 7 months ago #160292 by indianman
Have a mate who subbied to them a couple of times and he said he's not sad to see em go........


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9 years 7 months ago #160293 by newto
It would appear that "we" knock HHA for a very good reason....
Brendan Richard,head of Ferrier Hodgsons Logistics Practice Division and the appointed Administrator said...and I quote.....

"Unfortunately HHA has a very high fixed cost base that is totally disproportionate to its revenue. The fleet looks great and there is plenty of feel good factor,but it is way beyond what the business can afford and is way beyond what is required to get the job done"

he then added....Quote..."Recent efforts to correct this have been overwhelmed by the sheer weight of a historical culture of indulgent spending"

he also mentioned that HHA chose to sponsor V8 Supercars...more indulgent spending...

Having just said all that....i still feel that if HHA does go under then it will be another great loss to the transport appears that it could of been avoided.

just saying...


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9 years 7 months ago #160294 by John Whale
Painting your trucks grey gets the job done just as well

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9 years 7 months ago #160295 by defective
...and i get my arse around in a 3/4 buggered AU Falcon.... where everyone elses WIFE is driving the flashest, newest you beaut four wheel drive shitbox just to impress ... ::) ::)

...there's a lot to be said for living within your means.............

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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #160296 by asw120

...and i get my arse around in a 3/4 buggered AU Falcon.... where everyone elses WIFE is driving the flashest, newest you beaut four wheel drive shitbox just to impress ... ::) ::)

...there's a lot to be said for living within your means.............

Ah, but what a fleet you have......That's what living within your means can get you. I'd love to get down there and drool over them, one day.


“I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them”

― Adlai E. Stevenson II
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by asw120.

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9 years 7 months ago #160297 by defective
..g'day Jarrod .. i don't know what you're like with super, but i gave up on them pricks 30 years ago. I've had all kinds of people come in and say "what is all this crap?"......

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9 years 7 months ago #160298 by Zuffen
If all HHA's equipment is sold off it will mean other's in the industry will get to purchase some flash gear at discounted prices and will most likely make a go of it.

Always good to learn from other's mistakes.

When we were in business we never had an overdraft as we never drove new cars or travelled first class. We've been comfortably retired for 8 years now and all our competitors are still working, driving new cars and travelling first class.

I know where I'd rather be.

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